Do dachshunds have separation anxiety? Reveal everything you need to know

By Zain Liaquat 3 Min Read
Do dachshunds have separation anxiety?

Dachshunds, those charming elongated pups with a penchant for adventure, have more than just adorable faces. They’re also prone to separation anxiety, a condition that tugs at their little hearts when their beloved humans step out of sight. Let’s delve into this canine emotional rollercoaster and explore how to soothe those anxious souls.

Why Are Dachshunds Prone to Separation Anxiety?

  1. Pack Animals: Dachshunds hail from a lineage of pack animals. They thrive on companionship and teamwork. When left alone, their hearts ache for the familiar scent and presence of their pack leader (that’s you!).
  2. Destructive Behaviors: The Dachshund breed wears its heart on its paw. When you leave them, they might express their longing through destructive behaviors. Think chewed furniture legs, scratched doorways, and torn cushions canine artistry at its finest!
  3. Signs of Separation Anxiety:
    • Bathroom Mishaps: Your dachshund might leave an unwelcome surprise in your home—urinating or defecating when you’re away.
    • Excessive barking or howling: Their vocal cords sing the blues when you’re not around.
    • Furniture Makeover: Chewing and digging become their creative outlets. Your couch and table legs might bear witness to their emotional turmoil.
    • Pacing Circles: Picture your dachshund doing a waltz around the living room. If it’s not their usual behaviour, it’s likely linked to separation anxiety.
    • Coprophagia: A fancy term for “poop-eating.” Yep, some distressed dachshunds resort to this when left alone.
    • Escape Artists: Desperate to reunite with you, they might attempt a daring escape from the confines of home.

How Can You Help Your Anxious Wiener Dog?

  1. Gradual desensitization: Train your dachshund to tolerate alone time. Start with short intervals and gradually increase. Make leaving and returning low-key affairs.
  2. Comfort Objects: Introduce special toys or blankets that carry your scent. These become their security blankets.
  3. Interactive Toys: Keep their minds engaged. Puzzle toys or treat-dispensing gadgets can distract them from your absence.
  4. Positive associations: associate your departure with positive things. Give treats or play soothing music before leaving.
  5. Routine: Establish a consistent routine. Predictability eases their anxiety.
  6. Professional Help: If anxiety persists, consult a vet or a professional dog behaviorist.

Do you find any of the sign that shows Anxiety in Dachshunds then we provide the solution.

Remember, those wet-nosed kisses and wagging tails are their way of saying, “I miss you!” So, be patient, empathetic, and shower them with love when you return. Your dachshund’s heart will thank you!

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